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September 5, 2021

How You Can Take Part in this September 5th Celebration

In 2012, the United Nations declared September 5th of each year as the International Day of Charity to honor charities all over the world.  It’s a day meant to celebrate the humanitarian work that charities do, their sacrifices, and their efforts in bringing hope to people struggling with various challenges in life.

September 5th was chosen as the day to celebrate the event because it coincides with the death anniversary of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, a tireless nun who led charitable missions, tending to the poorest of the poor, the sick, homeless, and dying in the slums of Calcutta, India. Her selfless efforts led to her being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979, becoming a charity icon from then on. She died on September 5th, 1997 at the age of 87. In 2016, she was canonized by the Roman Catholic Church as Saint Teresa of Calcutta.


The 5 Impactful Ways of Celebrating Charity Day

Want to know how you can get involved in the celebration of the International Day of Charity on September 5th? Don’t worry, you don’t have to give something flashy or expensive if you don’t want to! Veteran Car Donations presents these five impactful ways of celebrating this day devoted to charity work:

  1. Donate to a charity of your choice.

There are a lot of charities you can choose from. You can choose to donate to a charity that assists sick and needy children, one that focuses on the environment, or one that supports struggling veterans like us at Veteran Car Donations.

  1. Volunteer for a charity.

Find a local charity near you that’s open for volunteer work. Charities usually don’t have much to offer in terms of compensation, so they’re more than happy to take in volunteers. Your time and effort in helping out will surely be well-appreciated.

  1. Raise funds using your skills or talents.

Are you good at programming? Singing? Or maybe painting? Try to think about any skill or talent you have that you can use to raise funds for a charity of your choice. You can then donate the money you raised to the charity.

  1. Help the homeless.

Homelessness is becoming more common in the country because of poverty. If you see a homeless person in your community, see what you can do to help. You can feed them, hand them extra clothes, or teach them skills they can use to make a living.

  1. Visit a home for the elderly.

Visit assisted living facilities or nursing homes in your area and see how the elderly residents there are doing. Some of them probably haven’t been visited by their family members for a long time. Brighten up their day by talking to them, listening to their stories, and keeping them company.


Show Charity to Our Struggling Vets with a Car Donation

The International Day of Charity is all about giving to the less fortunate. They include our former service members who are facing tough challenges in transitioning to civilian life. They are our veterans who are suffering from homelessness, chronic unemployment, service-connected disabilities, and illnesses, including mental health disorders.

Be a giver of hope to our disadvantaged veterans by donating any vehicle you no longer need to us here at Veteran Car Donations.

We’ll sell your donated vehicle through an auction and use the proceeds to support the life improvement programs and services being provided by our veteran-focused charity partners to their beneficiaries. These IRS-approved 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations provide deserving veterans and their families with free quality health care, financial aid, housing assistance, employment opportunities, family support, educational scholarships, psychotherapy services, and many other benefits.

It’s so easy to donate a vehicle to us. We’ll take care of most of the work for you. Simply give us a call through our toll-free line at 877-594-5822 and one of our donation specialists will walk you through our donation process.

Donating to Veteran Car Donations will allow you to receive valuable rewards, such as getting entitled to receive the maximum tax deduction in the next tax season and getting professional pickup and towing services from us at no cost to you.

More valuable than these material rewards, you’ll get to experience the priceless joy and satisfaction of giving away something that will be used to uplift the lives of our nation’s heroes — those men and women who fought for us and risked their lives so we can live in freedom and peace.

We’re not choosy on the type and condition of the vehicle you intend to donate. We accept nearly all vehicle types,  including those that are no longer in good condition.

You can donate wherever you are since we operate in all 50 states.

Check out our FAQs page to find more information about our mission, donation process, and other information about Veteran Car Donations. If you have specific inquiries or concerns, feel free to give us a ring at 877-594-5822 or contact us here.


Reach Out to Our Suffering Heroes Today!

Using just your clapped-out car, you can touch the lives of our country’s suffering heroes. Your donation will help them realize their dream of living a decent and fulfilling life. Call Veteran Car Donations at 877-594-5822 or fill out our online donation form now!


Last Updated: May 8th, 2023

Veteran Car Donations operates in all 50 states.

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