June 21, 2021
Female Vets More Vulnerable than Their Male Counterparts

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk under Pexels License
More and more women are joining the military and even advancing to various leadership positions. This has subsequently led to an increase in the number of women veterans.
Unfortunately, many of these female veterans are outside the VA health system, which adds to the burden they carry.
Everyone is vulnerable to developing mental health issues. However, women veterans are more vulnerable to developing mental health conditions compared to women who did not join the service. A report conducted in 2016 showed that female veterans were 2.5 times more likely to commit suicide because of the mental health problems they developed as a result of their service.
Worse, while it’s estimated that male veterans are 20% likely to develop a mental health disorder, the rate is a lot higher for female veterans at 31%. They’re at significant risk of developing depression, PTSD, personality disorders, and even bipolar disorders as well.
It’s not purely mental, too since mental health problems tend to manifest in physical issues as well. Studies show that women veterans struggling with mental health issues are prone to higher risk pregnancies as well as other reproductive health complications.
Gender-sensitive mental health services within our VA Health System are a must need for our female veterans. For example, a study conducted on treatment interventions for PTSD has shown that gender-specific treatment is more effective compared to mixed-gender programs, with those in the female-only programs staying on longer, committing more, and responding better to treatment.
There are nuances, complexities, and specific mental health needs that affect only women, which is why physicians and other healthcare experts mostly agree that there is a definite need for a women-focused program.
For more information on existing healthcare (primary care, specialty care, and even special group programs) currently available to our former servicewomen, check out the Women’s Health VA site.
Mental Health Issues Aren’t the Only Problems Our Veterans Face
Mental health problems affect both male and female veterans. It’s one of the major issues that our soldiers have to deal with during and after their military service, mostly because of their experiences in the conflict areas where they’ve been deployed.
Aside from mental health disorders, many veterans also have to deal with their inability to find decent and stable jobs in the private sector. Some can’t find good jobs because of their service-related disabilities. Others find themselves homeless because of lack of support, leading to extreme poverty.
You can do something to help these suffering veterans, and it will not cost you even a dollar. All you have to do is donate your clapped-out car that’s just rusting away in your garage to us at Veteran Car Donations. We will use that vehicle to improve the living conditions of the suffering veterans in your community.
We’ll auction off your donated vehicle and use the proceeds to help fund the life-changing programs of our veteran-focused charity partners. These IRS-approved 501(c)(3) nonprofits provide deserving veterans with quality health care, financial aid, housing assistance, employment opportunities, family support, educational scholarships, psychotherapy services, and many other benefits.
Donating to us is super easy. You’ll breeze through our donation process in no time at all.
We won’t leave you empty-handed after making your donation. We’ll provide you with valuable rewards such as the free towing of your unwanted vehicle wherever you had it parked or stored anywhere in the country. Your gift will also entitle you to receive the maximum tax deduction in the next tax season.
However, the best reward you’ll get is not a material thing. It’s the priceless feeling of joy and satisfaction, knowing that your donation will be used to give our disadvantaged veterans the decent and dignified life that they fully deserve.
You can donate almost any type of vehicle, such as an ancient car that has a couple of damaged parts or a truck that no longer runs properly. Trust us, we’re not picky!
To get an idea of our quick and easy donation process, check out our FAQs page. If you have any questions or concerns, call us at 877-594-5822 or send us a message here.
Be a Hero to Our Suffering Heroes Today!

Photo by RDNE Stock project under Pexels License
Your old vehicle can help positively transform the lives of the struggling heroes in your community. Hand it over to us Veteran Car Donations and we’ll use it to provide them a brighter future. Call 877-594-5822 or fill out our online donation form now!
Last Updated: May 8th, 2023