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January 10, 2018

Show Your Appreciation to Our Soldiers and Vets During National Thank You Month

After the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, it’s only fitting to take a minute and think about the things and the people we are grateful for as we celebrate National Thank You Month, which is this month, January. While we’re at it, let’s not forget those who gave their lives to ensure the freedom and the safety of our nation – our war heroes.

When you come to think about it, we’re reaping the benefits of the seeds of sacrifice sown by the men and women in the military who fought battles on our behalf. Instead of sitting at home and enjoying the holiday season with their family, they’re out there in the battlefield fighting to keep us out of harm’s way.

We owe our freedom to the active duty soldiers and veterans. To show them our gratitude and appreciation, here are some things we can do:

Arrange a Care Package

Boost the morale of our active-duty soldiers deployed overseas by putting together a care package. You can fill it up with simple things like books,

stationaries, non-perishable foods, candies, and basic toiletries. Add a little something that would make them feel closer to home.

Send a Thank You Note

Even a simple “Thank You” note could evoke positive emotions from active-duty soldiers and veterans. They’d feel a sense of fulfillment knowing that the sacrifices they made were not in vain and that someone out there appreciates and remembers them.

Buy a Veteran a Drink

Offering to buy a veteran a drink is definitely a nice thing to do. Sit with them and talk about why they chose to serve and their experiences on the field. Lending a listening ear can go a long way.

Volunteer Your Time

Helping out the families of soldiers and veterans is definitely encouraged. Sometimes doing everything alone can be a bit overwhelming for someone whose spouse is deployed abroad. Do helpful things like cooking a meal, picking up groceries, or offering to watch their kids for a few hours so that they can have a break from their usual routine.

Donate a Vehicle

If by any chance you have an extra, unused vehicle sitting in your driveway that you are looking to dispose of, donating it to charity would be a good way to get it off your hands. In return, you get a top tax deduction which you can claim in the next tax season.

Veteran Car Donations accepts almost all types of vehicles – no matter the condition they are in, to fund veteran-directed programs. Our partnership with different nonprofit organizations enables us to extend a helping hand to struggling veterans and their families.

Demonstrate Your Gratitude Through a Car Donation

We can express our gratitude to our heroes in so many ways. The National Thank You Month is an awesome time to show them that we care about them. Demonstrate your appreciation to our active duty soldiers and vets by donating a car to start transforming their lives today!

Call 877-594-5822 and get free towing services for vehicle donations through Veteran Car Donations on the National Thank You Month!


Last Updated: May 8th, 2023

Veteran Car Donations operates in all 50 states.

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