November 20, 2019
What Is the ASVAB Test?

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Have you ever asked yourself, “What is the ASVAB test?” If you’re dreaming about a future in the military, you’ll need to find out what this is. To give you an idea, Veteran Car Donations rounded up frequently asked questions about the most widely used test in the world.
The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test is a timed multi-aptitude test that’s given at more than 14,000 schools and Military Entrance Processing Stations (MEPS) throughout the United States. The ASVAB is developed and maintained by the Department of Defense.
This multiple-choice test will help you identify which military jobs would be best for you.
What Does the Test Measure?
The ASVAB was designed to measure the military enlistee’s academic and technical knowledge. It has 10 subsets with four sections. These subsets are word knowledge, paragraph comprehension, arithmetic reasoning, mathematics knowledge, shop information, mechanical comprehension, general science, electronics information, auto information, and assembling objects.
Doing well on the first four sections of ASVAB’s 10 subtests would mean that you’re eligible to enlist. Your overall ASVAB score will help you determine if you’re better suited for clerical, mechanical, maintenance, surveillance, combat or other military occupational specialties. Moreover, high ASVAB scores will help you receive the desired specialized positions that you desire.
‘How Can I Prepare for the ASVAB?’
Just like any other test, your preparation for the ASVAB is crucial in increasing your chances of landing your dream job in the United States military. You’ll need to give yourself enough time to boost your vocabulary by reading the news, books, articles, and any relevant reading material that you can get your hands on. Also, practicing on some sample ASVAB tests that you can find online will help a lot.
How Long Are the Scores Valid?
Your scores are valid for up to two years following the date of testing. In other words, you may use them to enlist in the military within two years after you take the
How Often Can Anyone Take the ASVAB?
You can only take your second ASVAB after one calendar month following your initial ASVAB. If you need to retake it after that, you’ll be required to wait for another six calendar months before you can do so.
Donate a Vehicle to Touch Lives of Needy Vets

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Veteran Car Donations, together with our IRS-certified 501(c)3 nonprofit partners, has been in the service of transforming the lives of our former military personnel for years. We are the online vehicle donation platform for such reputable nonprofits as Heroes on the Water, Soldier’s Angels, American Freedom Foundation, and Healing Arizona Veterans. Proceeds from your donated vehicle will help fund the services that these charity groups provide to their beneficiaries.
With your help, we can provide deserving veterans with mortgage-free and specially adapted homes, general transitioning assistance, free mental health care, and opportunities for education and employment.
In return, you’ll enjoy free professional pickup and towing services as well as the opportunity to considerably reduce your taxable income in the next tax season courtesy of the 100% tax-deductible sales receipt that we’ll send to you by mail following the auction sale of your donated vehicle. If you have more questions about our vehicle donation program, send us a message online or visit our FAQs page.
You can donate to Veteran Car Donations by either calling us at 877-594-5822 or filling out our secure online donation form. We accept donations of nearly all types of vehicles wherever you are in the United States since we have car donation programs in all 50 states.
Help Build a Great Future for Our Vets
Together, we can help our nation’s veterans, our country’s unsung heroes, as they try to build a great future for themselves and their families. Call us at 877-594-5822 and get started with your vehicle donation!
Last Updated: March 8th, 2023